The most commonly cultivated crops like tomato, Chilli, and brinjal are severely affected by wilt disease!
In wilt diseases, whole plants will die. Therefore, farmers face substantial yearly losses due to tomato, chili, and brinjal wilt!
This disease generally comes between 30-45 days from the planting of crops to the main field!
Fungi, bacteria, or nematodes might cause wilt disease! But, here, the biggest problem is the farmers are still looking for the real cause of wilt disease easily!
So, as a result, they spray many medicines without knowing the real reason and facts and spend more money without getting any results!
In this video, we are showing you how to identify the cause of these wilt diseases!
Here we will show you how to identify the causes of plant wilt!
First, you take a plant having wilt disease that has no chance to survive longer! The plant must be near death!
Our task is to uproot the whole affected plant so that most of the plant’s roots remain intact!
For successful uprooting, you added more water at the rooting zone well in advance! Before uprooting the plant, mark the plant stem where it is attached to the soil surface. After uprooting the plant, wash it with fresh pond water!
It is time to check whether any knots are on the roots! If so, that might be for nematodes! You need to apply nematicide!
Next, you can take a 4 inches small stem piece: 2 inches above and below the mark point done previously, for the ooze test!
Then, you put it in a glass of drinking water for 30 minutes! After a few minutes, you can find smoke like white exudate or ooze that will come from both ends of a small cut piece!
After 30 minutes, if the glass water becomes whitening, it’s the bacterial wilt!
Why is Oozing or whitening happening? Because once the infected stem comes into contact with water, the bacteria are released into the water, making an ooze in the glass water!
If the roots do not have Knots developed by Nematodes and the glass water does not become whitening as in the previous step, it’s a fungal wilt!
Finally, you can find the real cause of the disease!
You are now applying the right products to control specific plant wilt diseases!
In case of nematode wilt, you can spray Velum Prime, a Bayer product! Alternatively, you can apply an organic fungicide Pseudomonas, with Neemazal!
In case of fungal plant wilt, you can apply fungicide: Ridomil Gold, Tata Master, or Amister Top with Plantomycin!
Learn How To Identify the Tomato and Brinjal Plant Wilt (And What To Do If You Find It)
In the case of Bacterial Wilt, you can apply Rajat HD, an organic bactericide!
But before purchasing any products to control brinjal and tomato wilt, you must check whether Nematodes, fungi, or Bacteria cause the wilt!
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We will meet you in the upcoming video! Happy Learning, and thanks for watching!