In this section, you will get the latest available offers that you might eligible for any one of them. Kindly note that more than one offers is not applicable on a single order. Therefore, you can only avail one offers at a time, don't try to combine all offers together.
Seasonal offers you will find here. You can visit regularly to see the offers we are offering now. Before click on the link or apply the promo code, you need to read the terms and conditions carefully.
Especial Free shipping offer we are providing for the gardeners belong to the city locations: Bhubaneswar, Patna and Ranchi.
To avail this offer you will don't need to apply any coupon code. You need to add the City Name at the Address page correctly. You will get the free shipping on ₹1000/- automatically.
Otherwise, you can click on, to get this offer.
This offer will end on 31st October 2022.
This offer is only for the person who belong to West Bengal only.
To avail this offer, you can click on following link to get this offer.
Otherwise, the offer will apply automatically. You don't need any coupon code for this offers.
This offer will end on 31st October 2022.
This offer is for the person who placed orders more than 10 times. This offer will end on 31st March 2023.
If you are eligible for it, don't wait for a coupon code. The offer will apply automatically. Kindly note you must use the same email ID as earlier.